SERVICE TIME: 10:15AM. Fellowship hour at 9:00am.PLAN YOUR VISIT

Unlikely Deliverers

Series: Judges: A Dawning Hope in Darkness

Our next judge is a woman named Deborah. She, with the help of Barak and Jael, are used by God to display the incredible greatness of His salvation. Against enemy forces, God shows his power to redeem and deliver his people. While his power is revealed in the contrast to a weak and rag tag group versus a trained and well equipped enemy, the real point is to show God's power to save us from sin and separation from God. Chapters 4 and 5 speak to the deliverance of the people of Israel. Both chapters tell the same story, chapter 4 in prose and chapter 5 in poetry or song.  

Speaker: Tom Mercer

May 16, 2021
Judges 4:1-24

Tom Mercer

Senior Pastor, Elder

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