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The True Gospel

Series: Galatians: No Other Gospel

Galatians is a book that has more than a few times ignited revival and renewal in the hearts of God’s people. The great reformer, Martin Luther considered it Paul’s most important work. What makes Galatians so unique is that it is an incredible defense of the true gospel. Soon after the spread of the Christian faith, there is confusion over the heart of the gospel, how one is made right with God.  Paul writes to challenge these theological opponents who came teaching the adding of requirements to our being justified by faith before God. In other words, there were false teachers calling for the necessity of other things to be done in order for the people of God to gain entrance into the community of faith. Today we will look at the introduction. In this brief passage, notice two things: Paul defends his authority to preach and to declare the glory of the gospel.

Speaker: Tom Mercer

August 22, 2021
Galatians 1:1-5

Tom Mercer

Senior Pastor, Elder

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