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Praying with the End in View

Series: 2 Thessalonians: Living In Light Of The End

Paul has given thanks for this commendable church for their growing faith, increasing love and faithful endurance in trials and troubles.  He has reminded them of that final day where Jesus will return and make all things right, even making us new.  With this day as a certainty, Paul prays for their full participation in the glory of Jesus revealed on that final day. In this prayer, Paul asks God for grace that these saints live in a manner worthy of their calling and to live busy lives of faith while they wait for this final and glorious salvation. Paul is praying for our success in the things of God from eternity’s view.  He models for us a prayer to be prayed for ourselves and others so that we too can look forward with confidence to the day where we will be glorified in our Lord Jesus. 

Speaker: Tom Mercer

January 24, 2021
2 Thessalonians 1:11-12

Tom Mercer

Senior Pastor, Elder

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