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Gracious Giving

Series: 2 Corinthians: A New Strength

After declaring his joyous confidence in the spiritual growth in this Corinthian church, Paul now looks to see the fruit of this growth in their caring for the needs of others, specifically the church in Jerusalem. Paul encourages the Corinthian church to complete what they began in terms of collecting money to help the saints in Jerusalem, suffering through a famine. Paul wants to encourage generosity by informing them of the Macedonian churches who gave out of their want. He also points them to Jesus, whose gospel is a picture of generosity. He then turns to give some practicalities of how to give in a way that is right and honoring to God. Considering that Paul dedicates 2 chapters of one letter to giving, reminds us of its importance to the Christian life. 

Speaker: Tom Mercer

September 22, 2024
2 Corinthians 8:1-15

Tom Mercer

Senior Pastor, Elder

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