SERVICE TIME: 10:15AM. Fellowship hour at 9:00am.PLAN YOUR VISIT

Finishing Well

Series: Vision Sermons

New Year's Day is a great time to make resolutions for change whether it be health, finances, or new relationships. Unfortunately, most of us start well but continuing is another issue. Paul addresses this issue in his first letter to his protege Timothy. Paul concludes his letter to Timothy by calling him to complete the job, to finish well. Timothy was a young pastor in a sophisticated and cosmopolitan church.  He is young, timid and more sickly than most whose job demands wisdom, strength, and maturity. Paul charges Timothy to finish well by appealing to him to persevere in faithfulness, doctrine and devotion. He ends this call with a word of encouragement about the very character of God as motivation to finish well.  

Speaker: Tom Mercer

January 2, 2022
1 Timothy 6:11-16

Tom Mercer

Senior Pastor, Elder

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