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A Gospel of Freedom

Series: Galatians: No Other Gospel

Paul reports on his second trip to Jerusalem. This trip was 14 years after his conversion, 11 years after his first visit. He has been preaching, serving churches, and doing the work of ministry. He travels to Jerusalem, compelled by God, not to confirm he has the right message, but to make sure the gospel is not divided by false teachers who want to add requirements to the gospel. These opponents, or false brothers, are probably from Jerusalem, and so Paul wants the apostles to validate the freedom of the gospel from required laws, like circumcision. Paul is protecting the church from splitting into Jewish and Gentile factions with their own gospels. His trip is a success as they affirm Paul's gospel and extend the right hand of fellowship ending this threat from these false brothers.  

Speaker: Tom Mercer

September 12, 2021
Galatians 2:1-10

Tom Mercer

Senior Pastor, Elder

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