SERVICE TIME: 10:15AM. Fellowship hour at 9:00am.PLAN YOUR VISIT

Membership at Christ Covenant

Although each person comes into relationship with God as an individual, God takes each one and sets them in the midst of his family, the church. So we would encourage every Christian to become a member of a local church that loves the Word of God and cherishes the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Far from being just names on a list, we are a local expression of the household of God (I Tim 3:15).  As such, we are committed to an understanding of membership that is intentional and meaningful, where we are committed to you and you to us because of our mutual love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Steps to Membership

Step 1  
Discovering Christ Covenant

This is a 7-week course taught on Sunday mornings at 9:00am and a necessary step towards membership. You’ll learn about our beliefs, practices, and ministries. The class is offered in the spring and the fall. Along with this class, we ask that you begin regularly attending one of our Sunday worship services.

Step 2
Membership interview

Following the class, you’ll be invited to meet with one of our elders for an interview. This is our opportunity to get to know you better, hear how you became a Christian, and field any questions you might have.

Step 3
Finalizing Membership

After the interview, you’ll be guided as to next steps. For some, this may be learning about continued discipleship or baptism. For others, it may be signing the Membership Covenant and awaiting the Sunday morning where you are introduced to the church as members through a vote of affirmation.

If you are interested in learning more about membership at Christ Covenant or taking the Discovering Christ Covenant Class, email Daniel Harman.

EMAIL Daniel

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