Discipleship Resources
The best way to read a book or an article is to grab another person or a group of people and read it together. Talk about what you're learning and learn together. Then the reading really becomes "an excuse" to get together and encourage each other in faith. Below is a list of great articles followed by a list of great books arranged topically. The books range from historical to theological to practical, take your pick. And if you have a book or article you think we should add to the list, let us know! ( info@cccraleigh.org)
Bible Reading Plans
5 Day Plan
Chronological Plan
ESV Daily Plan
5x5x5 Plan
Additional Reading Plans
Discipleship Articles
Biblical Productivity, C. J. Mahaney
COMA Questions (for reading the Bible together), David Helm
The Cross and Criticism, Alfred Poirier (study questions)
Did He Die for You?, Tim Keller
Discipling Questions
A Do It Yourself Marriage Retreat, Deepak Reju
The Expulsive Power of a New Affection, Thomas Chalmers
Fellowship Questions: An Outline for Discipleship Groups, Donald Whitney
Getting to the Heart of Conflict, Ken Sande (study questions)
Gospel Driven Sanctification, Jerry Bridges
How Christ Changes Us By His Grace, Paul Tripp and Tim Lane
Idols of the Heart and Vanity Fair, David Powlison
The Living God is a Missionary God, John Stott
Mutual Duties of Husbands and Wives, Richard Baxter
Personal Disciple Making Plan, David Platt
Premarital Counseling for Married People, Paul Tripp (study questions)
Puritan Resources for Biblical Counseling, Tim Keller
Resolving Conflict Christ's Way, Robert D. Jones
Ten Questions To Ask To Make Sure You're Still Growing, Donald Whitney
To Take the Soul to Task, David Powlison
Podcast Recommendations
White Horse Inn: Michael Horton and others discuss theological and cultural issues from a Reformed perspective.
The Gospel Coalition: Evangelical leaders from various denominations who want to restore focus to Christ and the gospel for the church, away from fads and trends that have overtaken the church over the last century or so. The podcast has a variety of excellent content on theology and current church and cultural issues.
Help Me Teach the Bible: Nancy Guthrie talks to some of the best teachers and preachers of our day to equip all kinds of Bible teachers to creatively teach through specific books of the Bible.
Renewing Your Mind: R.C. Sproul’s lectures on various theological topics.
9Marks Bible Talk: A podcast featuring conversations about the Bible and Biblical Theology.
9Marks Missions Talk: A podcast that explains the too-often-overlooked connection between healthy churches and global missions.
Thinking in Public: Albert Mohler interviews various Christian and non-Christian thinkers about major theological, historical and cultural matters that are key issues of our day.
Five Minutes in Church History: Just what it sounds like. So much of church history is relevant today.
What is the gospel?
Living the Cross-Centered Life, C.J. Mahaney
The Prodigal God, Timothy Keller
What is the Gospel?, Greg Gilbert
A Gospel Primer, Milton Vincent
How did we receive the Bible in its current form?
From God to Us, Norman Geisler and William Nix
The Canon of Scripture, F.F. Bruce
The Story of Scripture: How We Got Our Bible and Why We Can Trust It, Robert Plummer
How can I understand the overarching framework of the Bible?
According to Plan, Graeme Goldsworthy
God's Big Picture, Vaughan Roberts
How can I understand all the different doctrines of the Bible?
Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem
Systematic Theology, John Frame
I've heard the term "Reformed Theology." What does that mean?
What is Reformed Theology?, R.C. Sproul (video series)
Chosen by God, R.C. Sproul
The Sovereignty of God, A.W. Pink
What's the significance of Jesus' death on the cross?
Fifty Reasons Why Jesus Came to Die, John Piper
The Cross of Christ, John Stott
The Cross and Salvation, Bruce Demarest
What is the church and why should I follow the leadership of the church?
The Shepherd Leader, Timothy Witmer
Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, Mark Dever
When did the church begin and where did all the different denominations come from?
Church History in Plain Language, Bruce Shelley
The Story of Christianity (2 vols), Justo Gonzalez
How can I explain my faith? Surely it's not just a blind leap or a shot in the dark, but how can I explain it in a reasonable way?
The Reason for God, Tim Keller
Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis
What does God want from husbands and wives?
What Did You Expect?, Paul Tripp
When Sinners Say I Do, Dave Harvey
The Meaning of Marriage, Tim Keller
The Shepherd Leader at Home, Timothy Witmer
Strengthening Your Marriage, Wayne Mack
What does God want from parents?
Shepherding the Heart of a Child, Tedd Tripp
Give Them Grace, Elyse Fitzpatrick
The Big Picture Story Bible, David Helm
The Jesus Storybook Bible, Sally Lloyd-Jones
Parenting in the Pew, Robbie Castleman
Bible Reading With Your Kids, Jon Nielson
The Disciple-Making Parent, Chap Bettis
Equipping for Life, Andreas & Margaret Kostenberger
Hints for Parents, Gardiner Spring
Discipline That Connects With Your Child’s Heart, Jim & Lynn Jackson
The Duties of Parents, J.C. Ryle
What does the Bible teach about gender issues?
What's the Difference?, John Piper
Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood, John Piper and Wayne Grudem
Evangelical Feminism and Biblical Truth, Wayne Grudem
Feminine Appeal, Carolyn Mahaney
Disciplines of a Godly Man, R. Kent Hughes
How can I keep growing in my relationship with God?
Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, Donald Whitney
The Life of God in the Soul of Man, Henry Scougal
Desiring God, John Piper
When I Don't Desire God, John Piper
Renewal As a Way of Life, Richard Lovelace
Communion with God, John Owen